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The True Horrors of Standardized Testing | WEDU & KQED Youth Media Challenge

There is a lot of research that supports eliminating or reducing #StandardizedTests in education and students experience intense testing #Anxiety.

Submitted by Tina P | P.A.C.E Center for Girls | Hillsborough County

WEDU PBSClean Water & Sanitation | WEDU & KQED Youth Media Challenge

We can help people who have no #Water or limited water by #Recycling, building proper toilets and many more.

Submitted by Kavyasri K | Williams Middle Magnet | Hillsborough Country

WEDU PBSMedia Bigotry | WEDU & KQED Youth Media Challenge

My project is about how #Racist the media has been when covering #Ukraine. In my podcast, I propose a solution to stop this bigotry.

Submitted by Annissa D | Williams Middle Magnet | Hillsborough County

Eutrophication: The Green Death | WEDU & KQED Youth Media Challenge

Giving a plant some #Fertilizer helps it grow, but not into something that ends up killing the local population of fish. However, because of eutrophication, this is a reality, and it’s becoming worse as time goes on. It’s hurting our #MarineLife and us as well. If the algae are thriving, then the fish are certainly dying.

Submitted by Maanika S | Williams Middle Magnet | Hillsborough Country

Stop Animal Testing | WEDU & KQED Youth Media Challenge

Animals are living, breathing beings and deserve to be treated as such. More than 100 million animals die in labs every year because of these tests and it is unnecessary. #AnimalRights #StopAnimalTesting

Submitted by Bryani J | P.A.C.E Center for Girls | Hillsborough Country

Bullying | WEDU & KQED Youth Media Challenge

This announcement is to highlight #Bullying and what it looks like in schools and how you should respond.

Submitted by Mya F, Edmyre N, Artisha F | Sulphur Springs Community School | Hillsborough

Sports Expenses | WEDU & KQED Youth Media Challenge

This project is about sports #Expenses and how the kids or parent can't afford to play their favorite #Sport.

Submitted by Micah G, Brylen W, Bryce W | Sulphur Springs Community School | Hillsborough

Go Green, Breathing Clean | WEDU & KQED Youth Media Challenge

I am explaining how #Pollution is affecting #GlobalWarming and how we can help fix this problem.

Submitted by Jeremy C | Sulphur Springs Community School | Hillsborough

Preventing Bullying | WEDU & KQED Youth Media Challenge

What to do and how to help #Bullying.

Submitted by Ervelie D | Sulphur Springs Community School | Hillsborough

Help Those with Mental Illness | WEDU & KQED Youth Media Challenge

We need to help those with #MentalIllness and make places more affordable for people who are #Suffering to get help.

Submitted by Julianna W | Sulphur Springs Community School | Hillsborough

Deforestation | WEDU & KQED Youth Media Challenge

Cutting down trees can cause #ClimateChange. It could also increase #Pollution and cause soil erosion along with increased greenhouse gases.

Submitted by Nayalise B & Carlos M | Sulphur Springs Community School | Hillsborough

Climate and Environment | WEDU & KQED Youth Media Challenge

I am describing why #Pollution needs to stop. People should absolutely stop polluting.

Submitted by Phalisha W | Sulfur Springs Community School | Hillsborough